Scientific Information Research
[Purpose/Significance] As an important part of technological innovation and technology prediction, the identification of emerging technology is the common concern of governments and enterprises. The method of identification of emerging technology are systematically summarized is to provide support for research on the identification of emerging technology. [Method/Process] Firstly, the definitions and characteristics of emerging technology and main differences with new-high technology, front technology and disruptive technology are described. Then, the methods of identification of emerging technology are divided into subjective judgment methods and objective inference methods, and the latter is focused. Finally, we look forward to the future research focus and direction of identification of emerging technology. [Result/Conclusion] As far as the research process is concerned, due to the relative lack of data in the early stage, researchers are more inclined to identify by relying on the knowledge and experience of authoritative experts in the field. With the explosive growth of information and the improvement of availability of resources, research has gradually turned to objective data analysis, supplemented by expert knowledge and experience. Although this method has got rid of the defects of the subjective dependence of experts, new problems and challenges have emerged.
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"Research Review on the Method of Identification of Emerging Technology,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 1:
1, Article 8.
DOI: 10.19809/j.cnki.kjqbyj.2019.01.008
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