
Scientific Information Research


national security concept, science and technology intelligence, new historical position, reinforcing the front line


[Purpose/significance]The new pattern of world development and the new situation of scientific and technological development have continually expanded the connotation of national security.[Method/process]The cultivation of National Security Concept in scientific and technological intelligence work is an extremely important ideological construction work.The paper combines the idea of National Security Concept and importance of the intelligence work,intensive study the rich connotation of National Security Concept in scientific and technological intelligence work,clear the historical position and strategy of scientific and technological intelligence,and put forward the way to strengthen the National Security Concept of China's science and technology intelligence agencies.[Results/conclusion]This paper presents that scientific and technological intelligence work should seize the opportunity of new era,consolidate the national security awareness of intelligence agencies,face the development and security of the country,and truly fulfill the responsibility of "ears/eyes,vanguards,advisers+leading",which is important for promoting scientific and technological intelligence and helping national security and development.

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