Scientific Information Research
micro-blog, emotional evolution, emotion attribution, information life cycle theory, emergency
[Purpose/significance]The trend of emotion evolution is the wind vane of the development of public opinion.Tracking the emotional development state of microblog users in public security emergencies is helpful to realize public opinion early warning and persuasion. [Method/process]Taking "Guizhou bus falling into Lake" as an example, based on the emotional attribution theory,this paper constructs a four layer Bayesian classifier,classifies and analyzes the micro blog user comments in each life cycle stage from the two dimensions of emotion and attribution,and tries to find the key factors that affect the micro blog users' emotional changes.[Result/conclusion]At the beginning and outbreak of the incident,praying for "good" and "mourning" for the victims were the main factors.With the clarity of the investigation results of the incident, the emotions such as "loathing","anger" and "sadness" towards the responsible person,netizens' comments and derivative topics were transformed.
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DENG, Chunlin; ZHOU, Shuyang; and LONG, Zhengfan
"Analysis on the Emotional Evolution of Microblog Users in Emergencies Based on Emotional Attribution Theory,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 3:
3, Article 5.
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