
Scientific Information Research


computing humanities; humanities computing; digital humanities; date resource construction; quantitative analysis


[Purpose/significance]The humanities computing shows a promising future after more than half a century.New features have appeared from data resource construction to data analysis due to the rapid development of artificial intelligence,This brings new technical tools and research ideas to humanities computing.It is necessary to analyze the current situation of humanities computing and look forward to the new trends of its future development.[Method/process]We study and review recent literatures of humanities computing or digital humanities to verify the new phase of the research area including data resource construction,quantitative analysis,text content mining and domestic research progress.The future implications of computing humanities are also discussed including problem-oriented data resource construction,knowledge-based measurement and visualization analysis,intelligent mining of subject content and the development of philosophy and social sciences and the popularization of culture.[Result/conclusion]After several phases of development,with more abundant resource base and more convenient technical support,humanities computing is coming into a new stage which is returning to the humanities.Humanities computing will focus on the problems of humanities and highlight the attributes of humanities.The study is not only tool and method, but also a new and interdisciplinary subject.We think "computing humanities" can better describe the characteristics of this stage.

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