Scientific Information Research
strategic intelligence; intention analysis; character traits analysis; structured path; correlation
[Purpose/significance]The paper elaborates on the challenges facing intention alanysis of strategic intelligene.It tries to provide support for estimates on the decision-making figures’ intention from the perspective of character traits analysis.[Method/process]The paper approaches character traits analysis by illuminating its basic connotation,understanding the analytic pitfalls and constructing a multi-dimensional framework by key elements including personality traits analysis,pattern analysis on personal style,correlation between personality traits and style pattern,and classification of character traits.It tries to construct a systematic path of character traits analysis through auxiliary multi-modeling methods.[Result/conclusion]The construction of the structured and visualized process will contribute to a wider perspective of character traits analysis.It will also provide basis for the prediction of behavioral tendencies and support for intention analysis.
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Recommended Citation
CHEN, Ye and CHU, Jingli
"The Character Traits Analysis on Decision-making Figures Based on a Multi-dimensional Perspective and Structured Path,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 3:
4, Article 3.
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