Scientific Information Research
information retrieval; academic search engines; user experience; interaction theory; structural equation model
[Purpose/significance]The study focusing on the relationship between the affecting interaction factors and user experience during the use of search engines, is of great significance for the accurate acquisition of information in the subject area, also can improve the efficiency of research, and promote the development of the subject.[Method/process]This research selects Baidu academic search engine as the object.In order to study the interaction factors that affect academic search engine user experience,we build a model of academic search engine interaction factors affecting user experience based on the FMP interaction model, and collect data through questionnaires.[Result/conclusion]We found that: retrieval function interaction and retrieval content interaction have a significant impact on user experience, and content interaction has a greater impact on user experience than functional interaction;operational functions such as classification, sorting, and quick citation of detected results have an impact on retrieval Functional interaction and retrieval content interaction;the design of the retrieval interface has a significant impact on the interaction of the retrieval content;the auxiliary orientation function during the retrieval process has a significant impact on the interaction of the retrieval function.
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CAO, Shujin; WANG, Yaqi; and LU, Guangxu
"An Empirical Study on the Influence Factors of the User Experience of University Students Using Academic Search Engines,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 4:
1, Article 4.
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