Scientific Information Research
digital humanities; ancient Chinese classics; knowledge graph; SVM algorithm; BERT-LSTM-CRF
[Purpose/significance]Construct an automatic question-and-answer system of knowledge graphs in the field of ancient Chinese classics from the perspective of digital humanities to promote the development and innovation of traditional Chinese culture.[Method/process]Taking "Zuo Zhuan" as the specific research object,on this basis,support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is used to realize the intention recognition of question sentences,and the deep learning algorithm based on BERT-LSTM-CRF realizes the entity recognition function of question sentences.Then cpyher query expression is constructed to retrieve and return the results in Neo4j database; the front page builds a display platform based on Flask framework for users to use,and finally realizes the construction of question and answer system.[Result/conclusion]The question answering system can realize intelligent retrieval of questions in the field of ancient Chinese and has application value.
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Recommended Citation
LIU, Huan; LIU, Liu; and WANG, Dongbo
"Research on Automatic Question Answering of Domain Knowledge Graph from the Perspective of Digital Humanities,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 4:
1, Article 5.
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