
Scientific Information Research


K-means; autoencoder; topic model; topic detection and topic tracking


[Purpose/significance]Exploring the evolution law of topics in literature during COVID-19 can not only reveal the hot topics and evolution paths in various fields in details,but also provide decision support for emergency response of the government.Method/process]In this paper,literature's topics were automatically detected and tracked by introducing the topic detection and tracking (TDT) technology,to excavate topic distribution and evolution paths in literature.The text feature extraction were conducted by the combination of auto-encoder and Word2vec and the topic evolution process was studied with K-means and cosine similarity calculation,while the topic model was optimized in combination with the LDA model.[Result/conclusion]The experimental results proved that the topic-words of literature changed significantly with time, which was consistent with the reality.In the early stage,the epidemic was concentrated in Wuhan and gradually shifted from "remote labor" to "vaccine".The research focused on epidemic prevention and control, economic public opinion and medical and health care.The introduction of TDT can systematically complete the topic detection and tracking of literature on COVID-19,and the multi-dimensional topic model can better adapt to the situation of research topic changing.

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