
Scientific Information Research


intelligence studies; information science; transformation of information paradigm; information mana-gement; scientific and technological intelligence


[Purpose/significance]Out of difference in logic starting point, information science in China have evolved into two paradigms which are information management and intelligence studies, each with distinct research object and discourse system. Despite great efforts, these two disciplines have achieved far less progress in paradigm integration. It is of great significance to sort out the main viewpoints of the two schools of information science in China, to clarify their research objects and research methods, to define their disciplinary boundaries, and to promote the healthy development of information science in China.[Method/process]This paper sorts out the differences between the information management school and the intelligence studies school in the definition of information and intelligence, the information work and the intelligence work, the origin of intelligence, the differences between information analysis and intelligence analysis, and make comments on the main views of the two schools.[Result/conclusion]The paper holds that researchers of information science fail to apprehend the intention of China's scientific and technological intelligence work of which the origin has no relevance to bibliography and philology. Retaking the responsibility of being intelligence vanguard and staff is the road that China's intelligence studies must take. The two paradigms above should develop along with respective disciplinary boundary so that information management and intelligence studies will take shape as two distinctive disciplines.

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