Scientific Information Research
science and technology policy; web crawler; machine learning; text mining; information extraction
[Purpose/significance]Science and technology policy plays a guiding role in the development of science and technology. Whether science and technology policies are efficient and reasonable has an important impact on the rapid development of science and technology. In order to help decision-makers grasp the latest international scientific and technological layout, planning and policy guidance more quickly, especially to track and analyze the scientific, and technological policies of major developed countries in Europe and the United States, grab analyze and mine the corresponding scientific and technological policy texts in real time, has of great significance in the current international environment.[Method/process]This research designed and implemented a scanning and monitoring system for science and technology policy texts in Europe and the United States, which mainly includes a four-tier architecture of database layer, data entity layer, business logic layer and interface layer. It realizes the functions of regular collection, translation, keyword extraction, technology entity extraction,automatic summary, policy text classification and evolution analysis, and provides important decision support for the formulation and planning of science and technology policies.[Result/conclusion]The text scanning and monitoring system of European and American S&T policies is helpful to monitor the latest update, grasp the evolution trend, and spy on the planning and layout of European and American science and technology policies, and provide complete information support and decision-making reference for the formulation, planning and improvement of China's S&T policies.
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YU, Dahai; CHANG, Aofei; HUA, Bolin; WANG, Hongguang; and ZHENG, Wenjiao
"System for Scanning and Monitoring Science and Technology Policy Texts of US and EU,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 5:
1, Article 4.
Available at:
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