Scientific Information Research
policy text; text mining; bibliometrics; quantitative research; research review
[Purpose/significance]With the help of information technology, quantitative analysis on policy text is an emerging interdisciplinary research direction.[Method/process]This paper systematically sorts out the current progress of quantitative research on policy text from the three-dimensional perspective of data sources, methods and applications. After summarizing the distribution of metadata and data sources of policy text, at the method level, it is divided into three categories: content analysis method, bibliometric method and text mining method, and in the application of policy text mining, there are mainly policy topic mining, policy target tool mining, political position analysis, distribution of publishing agencies and policy diffusion research.[Result/conclusion]In the future, researchers should pay more attention to the mining of policy content and combine it with quantitative analysis research.
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WANG, Dakun and HUA, Bolin
"Review of Quantitative Research of Policy Text,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 5:
1, Article 7.
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