Scientific Information Research
ChatGPT; GPT model; scientific research; information resource management
[Purpose/significance]The emergence of ChatGPT has brought significant changes to the whole society, and to this day, its impact is still spreading, Experts, scholars and news media have broadly discussed it. As a major progress in the field of natural language processing, ChatGPT carries too much attention and expectations. As an important battlefield in the field of natural language processing, information resource management should give full play to the advantages of disciplines under this technological change and drive the development of disciplines with technology.[Method/process] Starting from the origin of ChatGPT, this paper introduces the development path of GPT model, and summarizes and summarizes its impact on society and academia.[Result/conclusion]In general, the development of large language models represented by ChatGPT has promoted the process of social digitalization. As an emerging discipline with strong intersectionality, information resource management should balance the relationship between theory research and technical practice.In the wave of the new era, we should actively embrace new technologies and expand the application field of technology.
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ZHAO, Zhixiao and WANG, Dongbo
"The beginning, development and impact of ChatGPT in the digital age,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 5:
2, Article 4.
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