
Scientific Information Research


legalcase matching, Pre-trained model, legal text, semantic tent matching


[Purpose/significance]This study aims to solve the problem of traditional short text matching models being difficult to apply to long text matching tasks such as legal case retrieval. [Method/process]For the task of legal case matching, this paper proposes a Legal Text Matching model based on RoFormer (LTMR). In the coding layer, the legal case is encoded through the RoFormer model and the legal feature extractor. In the reasoning layer, the context and interactive information of long text are further extracted by using interactive attention and self-attention mechanisms. We conducted the empirical research by applying the proposed model to the CAIL2019-SCM dataset. [Result/conclusion]Compared to the baseline methods, the LTMR model achieved the best results. The research sheds light on promoting the application of legal case matching.

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