
Scientific Information Research


academic evaluation; scientometrics; multi-source and heterogeneous data


[Purpose/significance]Academic evaluation and scientometric methods of synthesizing multisource heterogeneous data have gradually become hot spots in the field. At present, there is no systematic theoretical discussion on academic evaluation from the perspective of multisource heterogeneous data.[Method/process]In view of insufficient utilization of multi-source heterogeneous data, inappropriate research methods, and unclear research objectives, this paper combs the development of academic evaluation from the perspective of multi-source heterogeneous data, and clarifies the connotation and extension of the field, and analyzes the frontiers and hot spots in the field.[Result/conclusion]The results state clearly that from the perspective of multi-source heterogeneous data, academic evaluation manifests the trend of increasing data dimension, data granularity refinement, and evaluation index complexity. The definition of academic evaluation connotation, current situation analysis and future prospects from the perspective of multi-source heterogeneous data are of great significance to clarify domain recognition, identify related concepts, clarify research paths and methodological basis, and build an academic evaluation system with Chinese characteristics.

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