
Scientific Information Research


knowledge organization; artificial intelligence; classification; subject indexing; information organization


[Purpose/significance]By analyzing the system and rules of traditional knowledge organization methods, the intelligent capabilities of traditional knowledge organization methods are refined and integrated into artificial intelligence(AI) technology, to enhance the precision and efficiency of AI in information processing. [Method/process]This paper reviews the development of knowledge organization and analyses the inherit structure and mechanisms of traditional knowledge organization methods. [Result/conclusion]Research suggests that over centuries of development and evolution, knowledge organization has gained the ability to reflect knowledge systems and disciplinary systems across different disciplines from diverse perspectives, establish semantic relations from diverse knowledge associations, and associate and integrate knowledge of different forms, types, and structures using scientific knowledge organization methods. These capabilities provide more effective ways for artificial intelligence to grasp knowledge systems, explore knowledge relations, reason about association probabilities in scientific problems, expand or refine knowledge and terms, as well as analyze relationships between things. The development of artificial intelligence in the field of information processing should be closely coordinated with knowledge organizations, to fully unleash its potential intelligent capabilities.

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