
Scientific Information Research


download factor; journal evaluation; network download indicators; citaation index; panel data model


[Purpose/significance]As early as 1996, Garfield proposed the idea of using web downloads instead of citations for journal evaluation to improve timeliness, but the progress of its application needs to be improved. [Method/process]In this paper, we theoretically analyzed the reasons for this phenomenon, and analyzed the prerequisites for the download index to be used for journal evaluation starting from the connotation of download volume, and then comprehensively analyzed the relationship between download volume and citation based on panel data model, BP neural network and regression analysis, and proposed three evaluation indexes, immediate annual download factor, next year download factor and cumulative download factor, and analyzed their statistical characteristics. [Result/conclusion]The results show that: it is feasible to use the three network download indicators for journal evaluation; the three network download indicators cannot completely replace the citation indicators for evaluation; the network download indicators can effectively prevent the artificial control of the volume of articles; it is suggested to further optimize the basic data of the network download indicators.

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