
Scientific Information Research


academic virtual community; efficiency evaluation; network analysis; weight design; time series analysis


[Purpose/Significance]The measurement of knowledge exchange efficiency of academic virtual community has a positive significance for understanding and improving the academic virtual community itself, and also provides a new application analysis field for the evaluation methods of knowledge exchange efficiency. [Methods/Process]This paper proposes a method to measure the efficiency of knowledge exchange in academic virtual community by using networks of blog author. The network node weights are designed by summarizing the total number of views, recommendations, comments and blog category of each blog author. The edge weights in network are designed by the blog author's domain characteristics and blog category. According to the discipline section and blog category section, combining with the characteristics of temporal evolution, this paper analyzes the effect and efficiency of knowledge exchange in related sections from the perspective of path length and clustering coefficient, and makes a necessary summary of related phenomena and conclusions. [Results/Conclusion]It can provide a relatively complete pre-research summary for the research on knowledge exchange in academic virtual community, and elaborate and introduce the research direction and content that need attention.

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