
Scientific Information Research


emergent epidemic events; vulnerable groups; emergency information; KANO model; community information governance


[Purpose /significance]In the event of an emergent epidemic, the community is an important channel for vulnerable groups to obtain emergency information, and understanding the information needs of vulnerable groups will help the community accurately provide information services, promote the emergency information reserves of the residents in the jurisdiction, and enhance their satisfaction. [Method/process]Taking the emergent epidemic as the background,the study combines the important information categories of the epidemic and related literature to investigate the emergency information needs of the disadvantaged groups in the community and classifies each need with the help of KANO questionnaire, in order to determine the priority of the community to optimize the emergency information service. [Result /conclusion]The priorities of emergency information services should be adjusted according to the basic demand,expectation demand,charm demand and irrelevant demand of vulnerable groups. By paying attention to the transformation of emergency needs and broadening the channels of information dissemination, which could guarantee the emergency information needs of vulnerable groups are satisfied.

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