Scientific Information Research
topic mining; dynamic fluctuation; binary evolution; patent analysis; industrial robot
[Purpose/significance]From the perspective of "overall ecology + local stage", mining the technical theme and its evolution law in the field of industrial robots can not only know the overall process of technological development, but also clarify the specific paradigm of technology combination, which has important practical significance for insight into the technological progress and capital investment focus in the field of industrial robots.[Method/process]Based on incoPat patent database, taking the industrial robot field from 2003 to 2022 as an example, combined with Word2vec word vector model and LDA topic model, data mining and corpus expansion of patent texts were carried out, and then domain skill topics were identified at the overall ecological level. Then, combined with the technology life cycle theory, the technical topics of each stage are deeply explored (similarity calculation, correlation analysis, skill combination law). The 45 kinds of technical topic paths are described and visualized, and the development status and evolution law of skill topics are clarified. [Result/conclusion]The research shows that the proposed method process can more accurately identify multiple topics in the field of industrial robots from the perspective of the overall ecology, and can identify the thematic focus from the perspective of local stages. In the process of technology development, the evolution of technology theme shows a change law of "diffusion → enrichment → systematization". By calculating the evolutionary strength to characterize the main path, it can also clearly show the fluctuation of key technologies in the field of industrial robots. The method and process proposed in this paper can provide strong theoretical and practical support for technology integration, capital investment, development and innovation in the field of industrial robots.
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DOU, Luyao; ZHOU, Zhigang; LI, Yi; and JIANG, Tao
"Topic Mining and Dynamic Evolution Analysis of Patent Technology From the Perspective of Binary Evolution:Take the Field of Industrial Robots as an Example,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 6:
1, Article 9.
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