Scientific Information Research
LLM; AIGC; intangible cultural heritage; knowledge graph
[Purpose/significance]Intangible cultural heritage is an important component of human civilization, which is of great significance for protecting and promoting national spirit, enhancing national identity and cohesion. [Method/process]This paper explores how to utilize the advantages of AIGC, combined with traditional deep learning methods, then construct a comprehensive and efficient map of intangible cultural heritage knowledge. [Result/conclusion]In the classification study of intangible cultural heritage projects, the fine-tuned Baihuan-7B has the best effect, with an macro-F1 value of 0.7688. In the extraction of intangible cultural heritage attribute information, RoBERTa has the best effect, with an F1 value of 0.7085. The 2-Gram BLEU generated by fine-tuning Baihuan-7B is 0.2052. Combining the results of attribute extraction and generation, an efficient and comprehensive knowledge graph is constructed. [Innovation/limitation]This study uses a generative large model to assist in the establishment of knowledge graphs, focus on national-level intangible fruit projects, not induding provinciul-level projects with high reasearch value.
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CHEN, Yucheng; Yang, LI; LIU, Jiangfeng; and YANG, Fan
"Research on the Construction of Knowledge Graph of Intangible Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of AIGC,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 6:
2, Article 10.
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