Scientific Information Research
public health emergencies; the elderly; health information avoidance; key influencing factors
[Purpose/significance]To focus on the health information avoidance behavior of the elderly under public health emergencies, identify the key influencing factors of health information avoidance behavior of the elderly, and provide decision-making reference for epidemic prevention and health management of the elderly. [Method/process]Based on MOA theory, an index system of key influencing factors of information avoidance behavior of the elderly under public health emergencies was established. The triangular fuzzy number Dematel method was used to establish the causal relationship between factors, and DANP method was used to quantify the weight of the identified key influencing factors. [Result/conclusion]Emotional regulation and intergenerational considerations(M); Information utility and social attitudes towards prevention (O); Risk perception, information need perception, self-efficacy and social pressure perception (A) are the key influencing factors of health information avoidance behavior of the elderly under public health emergencies. Based on the analysis results,countermeasures are proposed to provide scientific guidance for ensuring the efficiency of epidemic prevention and control and improving health management decisions of the elderly.
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PENG, Lihui; Linjun, TANG; and LI, Xidan
"Research on Key Influencing Factors of Elderly Health Information Avoidance Behavior in Public Health Emergencies,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 6:
2, Article 9.
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