
Scientific Information Research


patent information; identification of competitors; identification framework; patent portfolio analysis; intelligent connected vehicles


[Purpose/significance]To enrich the identification methods of competitors in competitive intelligence strategies under the new situation, and provide decision support for enterprises to formulate technology competition strategies in complex and ever-changing market competition environments. [Method/process]This article using patents as data sources, construct a framework for identifying competitors and conduct empirical research.Firstly, based on the LDA model, identify the main technological research and development directions of the target enterprise and determine the set of candidate competitor enterprises; Secondly, construct a two-dimensional strategic coordinate based on technology and market similarity, and divide the candidate competitor combination of the target enterprise into direct, indirect, and potential competitors; Finally, the patent intensity index based on patent portfolio analysis is introduced to measure the technological competition gap between the target enterprise and its competitors, and to assess the relative competitive situation. This article conduct empirical research targeting Apollo Zhilian (Beijing) Technology Company in the field of intelligent connected vehicles. [Result/conclusion]Based on the competitor identification framework constructed in this article, a total of 5 competitors of Apollo Zhilian (Beijing) Technology Company were identified, including three types. At the same time, an analysis of the relative competitive situation between the target enterprise and its competitors was achieved in various major technological research and development directions. The empirical results indicate that the framework constructed in this article fully considers the technological resource endowment of the enterprise itself, the competitive gap with competitors, and can accurately meet the methodological of requirements of identifying competitors, with good application prospects.

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