Scientific Information Research
online public opinion; sentiment analysis; judicial texts; drug crimes; responsive legislation
[Purpose/significance]Drug safety has a significant responsibility and is related to people's life and health. Through the network public opinion of typical drug safety incidents, judicial data of drug crime system, and evidence of actual legislative adjustment, the evolution law between public opinion, justice and legislation was explored.[Method/process]Taking the case of Lu Yong purchasing anti-cancer drugs and the case of Changchun Changsheng fake vaccine as examples, the public opinion data related to the events on Sina Weibo were extracted, and the SnowNLP method, integrated model based on logistic regression model (LR) and gradient lifting decision Tree (GBDT) were used to conduct quantitative research on the emotional characteristics and content characteristics of public opinion. At the same time, the effective judgment of the first instance of drug crimes was collected, and the big data information of judicial text was extracted by using ChatGLM and ERNIE 3.0 pre-trained language model. The above "public opinion - judicial" big data analysis results are integrated and docking, and the impact of online public opinion on judicial practice and legislation is analyzed. [Result/conclusion] In drug safety incidents, there is a trend that public opinion takes the lead in affecting judicial adjustment, and then judicial practice promotes legislative response, showing the law of evolution of "public opinion, judicature and legislation".
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GUO, Tianyu; ZHAO, Shulin; LI, Zheng; HAO, Jie; and JIA, Siyao
"Research on the Influence of Network Public Opinion on Criminal Legislation in Major Drug Safety Events,"
Scientific Information Research: Vol. 6:
3, Article 9.
DOI: 10.19809/j.cnki.kjqbyj.2024.03.009
Available at:
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